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Balanced By The Sound Of Your Voice Love Poem

I heard your voice 

As a calming river flowing towards it’s destined path 

All within me

I become balanced 

My mind & my heart were in agreement to life’s happenings

It is SAFE to LOVE 

It is SAFE to be LOVED

There is a calm in the atmosphere 

All things are in balance 

No more pulling nor pushing 

Only a flow towards the zero point 

Where all is neutral in accordance to the cosmic plan 

I realized we had matured, 

Outgrown all the woes of life 

We are in the FLOW

Our time is NOW 

We are anchors of the light

Light bearers, 

That is who we are 

Balanced by the sound of your voice.

Balanced By The Sound Of Your Voice Love Poem By Keroy King

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