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I once loved a man

Loved him so hard that my obsessive thoughts 

Rippled across the seas

Only to realize the love I have for him 

Was meant for me

By loving myself, I can love him deeply 

By seeing myself, I can see him truthfully 

By trusting myself, I can trust him with our love

By believing in myself, I can believe love never fails

No more longing

No more fear

No more doubt 

Only love, in its purest form

In love with another, only to love myself deeper 

Love is freedom

Patient and kind 

Gentle and harmonic 

Expansive and intuitive 

Love grows & evolves

Creating magic among the earthly creations and beyond

Let the love you have for others be directed to you first

Feel the freedom

Enlarge your heart 

Spread your wings 

Let love win.

In love with another – self love poem by Keroy King

For more poems like these, check out my poetry books

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