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There is magic in you

Open up like a flower in bloom

Open up your magical gifts

Openly share your smiles

Generously share your hugs

A heartfelt word of encouragement goes along way

To comfort a friend in despair
The touch of your hands reminds us you still care

Open the petals of your life
Allow the bees to receive your nectar

The bees to the nectar
The pollen to the bees

In this mutual exchange
Off in the air it goes
Finding a new home to land

Multiplying all the way through

So is the cycle of life

Being universe
Being human
Being plants
Being animals
Being the invisible creatures

That our eyes can not see

The cycle of life is always moving
Just because you can’t see or feel a thing

Doesn’t mean its not moving you

Drop the resistance
Move with life its self
Open up your gifts and let the magic flow.

Magic in you – Poem by Keroy King

For more poems like these, check out my poetry books

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